serve opportunities

Pick a place to serve. It could be one area or a couple of different areas. 

Do them all around the same time or spread your service throughout, according to your schedule.


  • Communion ministry

    Communion servers assist the pastors in offering Communion elements to our congregation.

    For our upcoming Sermon Series, that begins on August 6th and ends on September 3rd, we will serve Holy Communion each week instead of only on the first of the month. If you are willing to help serve Communion over the next 5 weeks, please click HERE to sign up! If you've never served Communion before, that's ok! We will make sure you are ready!

    For questions, email our Pastor, Justin Mikulencak, at

  • hospitality team

    • Greeters
    • Welcome Desk Host
    • Donut pick up
    • Coffee & Donut prep and serve
    • Kitchen clean up
    • Reset team

    Click HERE for a full description of each hospitality volunteer areas.

    Debbie Mullen

  • meal team

    One of our serve opportunities here at Parkway is providing meals for families who need some help after life events. We would love for you to join our Meal Team if this sounds like something that you might enjoy. We would also like to thank those who have participated with meals in the past!

    Please let Julie Angle know if you are interested in being a part of the Meal Team by emailing her at or text her at (281) 216-1991.

  • MOW tEAM

    Can you spare 1-2 hours a couple of times a month to help keep our campus grass cut? All mowing equipment provided. A specific area of responsibility will be assigned and you will be paired with other members to share the load. Prior to mowing you will receive an orientation on equipment operations and a walk through of your area.

    Chris Winans


    Help us on Sunday mornings during our service with production, lighting, sound, live stream, etc. No experience is necessary. We will train you.

  • Prayer ministry

    The prayer team is an opportunity to pray for the people at Parkway through their Prayer Requests. Some members of this team also pray with and for the pastor each Sunday.

    Kathy Stacy

  • List Item

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.